Secrets of our region
Proiectul Scolar Socrates-Comenius




The Bust of Avram Iancu

   The Romanian revolution from 1848 and the remarkable personality of Avram Iancu, as well as his attachment to the people from Halmagiu, left deep marks on this land.
   The figure of the Prince of the Mountains became a legend. The figure of Avram Iancu had to be immortalized. In 1974 at the proposal of the Mayor Stefea Iosif and with the support of the authorities from Arad and Halmagiu the bust was sculpted in bronze.
   The inauguration of the bust took place on 20th of October in 1974 in the presence of over 5000 people.
   The bust of Avram Iancu rose to commemorate 150 years from his birth. It stays on the place he was arrested, on 15th of December in1849. It will remain a permanent testimony of the profound respect which people have towards the Prince of the Mountains.


The Monument of Heroes

   The Monument of Heroes is placed in the centre of our commune and keeps alive the memory of the heroes and martyrs of these places. It was inaugurated on 10th September in 1933 by the organization called “The Cult of Heroes” from Arad. The monument consists of an impozant granite socle, designed by the architect called Silvestru Rafiroiu from Arad. On the top of the monument is placed a Cross.
   On the eastern side of the pedestal are engraved the words:
   “They fought and died for their land and their Lord”.
   On the western side of it was fixed a marble plaque with the following inscription on it:
   “To the glory of God and for the Martyrs who fought for Freedom led by Horia, Closca and Crisan in 1734 and Avram Iancu in 1848. In remembrance of soldiers who died defending this land between 14th –16th February 1919 and in eternal memory of the heroes who gave their lives in a great battle which started in Halmagiu on 16th April 1919, when the 2nd Division called Vânatori of the glorious Romanian Army and the Regiment of Volunteers called Horia bravely fought for Freedom and Unification of Great Romania”.


The Monument from Banesti Bridge


   At the exit from Halmagiu, near the bridge over Banesti Valley, the traveler’s attention is caught by a Cross made out of rock, raised in 1936. It was built on a place where five priests and a tribune Alexandru Chendi, were hanged during the revolution from 1848.
   It is one of the ten “Cross Monuments” which were built at the initiative of the teachers from “Avram Iancu” High school in Brad for the commemoration of 150 years from Horea, Closca and Crisan’s rebellion.
   On the two plaques attached to the Crucifix are engraved the following words:
   “This Holly Cross was raised by the Bishop of Arad, D.D.Grigore on 4th September in 1934 for the eternal memory of those priests died in Horea and Avram Iancu’s rebellion and other seven: Ioan Jude Sr. and Ioan Jude Jr., both from Poienari, Eutimie Popovici from Halmagel, Pavel Feier from Steia, Sinesie Grozav from Aciuta, Pavel Farcas from Plescuta and on anonymous, who were hanged in this place”.
   This also was the place where during the revolution from1848-1849 were hanged the tribune Alexandru Chendi from Câmpeni, the commander of the Romanian troops from Halmagiu, the Austrian officer Uleric Toni, and Nicolae Todea.
   “During the same revolution here were shot: Simion Ungur, Adam Iancu, Olariu Nicolae, and suffered a martyr’s death: Gherasim Bordea and his wife Rafila, Buta Nicolae, Stefan Neamtu, Elisabeta and Maria Roxa, all of them from Halmagiu, and Adam Butariu from Bodesti. Petru Pacurariu, Nicolae Ciungan and Arsenie Neamtu were tortured to death”.


The Stone of Torture

    On the left side of the street Valicuta, in front of the old church, lasts for more than two centuries a stone, with no inscription. This stone can be seen as a symbol of those who fought bravely against the unjust laws of those times.
    For any kind of mistakes, people were found guilty and were laid down on the stone in front of the church where they were beaten with sticks. The tears of the tortured mixed up with the blood that sprang from their flesh wounds. None of those who were punished lost the faith that they were fighting for a grand cause. From then on, this stone, the size of a man, was called “The Stone of Torture”.
    The tradition of punishment on “The Stone of Torture” stepped back in history. It also was a common practice during Horea’s revolution, as well as after this period. Thus, the monographist Cosma Pal wrote that Simion Moldovan and Sortoc Giurchi, important merchants from Halmagiu, received 25 lashes each on their bare bodies because, while walking from one village to another, they spread the idea that the serves from Brad were preparing a new rebellion.
    Since then enduring time, this stone remained a testimony of the tortures which our ancestors had to suffer along history. They made a history written in tears and blood, handed down from one generation to another. Nowadays, in order to be preserved, the stone lays in the front of the old church from Halmagiu.